Tuesday, May 25, 2010

stopping mid-stream

now when the 30yr old reprobate with the 14yr old girlfriend who lost his license for running over a customer with her own car tells you that pissing on the head of drunken, passed out and possibly dead vagrant in the alley is a bad idea and that he expected better of you you should probably pay attention,
but gawddamned if i’m going to stop mid stream.
that shit burns like a mutherfucker.
this is probably around the time i should have realised that 400mg of codeine and 2500mg of cafeine a day mixed with cough syrop, sudafed, ginseng and a cross eyed, borther fuckin girlfriend who only dated guys with the same name so she could could keep it straight wasn’t a good combo.
i’m not sure i gave it much thot later as i downed a 60oz bottle of whiskey and was alternately making out with a friend’s whore of a girl and his rottweiler.
at least the dog’s mouth didn’t taste like jizz and cigarette ashes. tit’s were firmer too.
tho i gave it some consideration rambling home whilst trying to boost AM stereos from service vans and school busses.
16 was a weird age.

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