Sunday, July 31, 2011

some writings.

slump back in the chair
even blanks'll leave a mark
sight is crooked
(an) empty head + dead heart
make lousy targets

first thing i did today,
when i woke up.
was to lie to you, dear
and tell you i'm OK.

you set the plague on me
began the crumbling
that it'd taken me decades to.

consume the lie that i am.

a pitiable creature
seen falsely as an enviable man
destroying + discarding
the things they desire
spitefully watching them starve

broken bicycles
rusted shopping carts
dead fishes +
on the bank
asphyxed eyes
bacterial green
ruptured veins of our lives.

always the coward's way.

i've never known my role
but it'll leave a scar when i go.

poem |ˈpōəm; ˈpōim; pōm|nouna piece of writing that partakes of the nature of both speech and song that is nearly always rhythmical, usually metaphorical, and often exhibits such formal elements as meter, rhyme, and stanzaic structure.something that arouses strong emotions because of its beauty : you make a poem of riding downhill on your bike.ORIGIN late 15th cent.: from French poème or Latin poema, fromGreek poēma, early variant of poiēma ‘fiction, poem,’ from poiein‘create.’

pome |pōm|noun Botanya fruit consisting of a fleshy enlarged receptacle and a tough central core containing the seeds, e.g., an apple or pear.