yes, Santa received your letter. and i’m sure he was over-fucking-joyed to to fill your latest absurd and thoughtless request. your brainless wishes for big screen televisions, global positioning devices, diamond pendants in the shape of some fucking stupid cartoon cat from a country that doesn’t even believe in his existence or for one of those asinine brown plaid scarfs that every furry boot, logo’d exercise pant and pea-coat wearing dingbat has on, indoors or out. while it’s spectacular that you got your wish, that your hearts desire came true for you, you the entitled, you the undeserving and over privileged you the ungrateful stupid docile masses. lets us say that i am unimpressed.
my request to Santa was a bit more pragmatic. i asked that he take time to truly consider what each and everyone of you deserve based on your contributions to the world, your community your fellow human plants and animals alike and reward accordingly. which is to say i wished for him to perch his portly sainted red hind quarters over your chimneys x-mass eve and for him to fire out cranberry and anthrax filled turds, steaming with sulfur and mustard gas down into your over sized stockings or outstretched hands. clearly i did not get my wish this year, because as i arose on x-mass morn and flicked on the idiot box, i saw no breaking news of millions of homes having been violated and vandalised. sadly, no frantic bulletins in regards to housewives black-eyed from trying to mate with white bearded robbers. nor of presents stolen, substituted with dried and sculpted reindeer jism in the shape of candycanes and no horrified reports of turgid hot steamers left in now soiled stockings on the mantle, oozing from their holiday prize.
so i have had to turn my optimism towards the new year.
desperately hoping that the Spanish/English translation of the Mayan calendars were inaccurate and that the world is in fact scheduled to be thrown into armageddon this coming year. 2012 seems too far off to wait. patience is not one of my virtues as pertaining to the apocalypse. i’m praying for Ragnarok as the calendar turns january. maybe i’ll be rewarded this year, get lucky and as the last second of 2008 ticks off we’ll discover in a grand and deadly explosion that the big shining lighted balls (the ones that all you troglodytes watch drooling in front of your idiot boxes) descending at the midnight hour are actually nuclear warheads, counting down the remaining seconds of all our lives, deforming and/or killing all pretentious, scarf and plastic party hat wearing, socially medicated, corporate logo emblazoned shitbags within a 1000 kilometres, with extremely painful and hideously mutating radioactive spores. all being filmed for the world to see. with the audience at home left only to wait for it to come to them. though i’m sure Dick Clark will survive along with the cockroaches and other members of his immortal insectoid race. too bad you can’t actually die directly from watching something on the TV.
one of the main problems with people is that they always want some one else to do everything for them. they want to be taken care of by others. have their arses washed and to be tucked into bed like the good little children they aren’t. what a wonderfully communist idea that is. any wonder that fat bastard Santa wears a red suit.
you’ve never been responsible . you never had to make any of the hard choices. all you do is make an X on a small slip of paper every 4 or five years and stuff it into a cardboard box. a ballot box maintained and and watched by the elderly and simple. and this makes you feel like you are involved. one pencilled mark on a folded piece of paper and your work is done. you pass on the responsibility and give authority to some megalomaniac that has interest in you only in the way a hungry man looks at a bottle of whiskey. desperate, depraved and full of malignant lust for your demise. you are there for them until you’re drained then dumped off to the landfill with all the x-mass paper, Chinese baby girls and last years gift baskets and toys.
lo and behold this year is extra special. this year your messiah has come. received unto us the bright and shining western world, leaders and plunderers of all the universe. your black baby Jesus has descended upon us and will cure all the ills inflicted upon us by the terrible regime that has controlled the world for nearly half the century. you finally have a leader, nay, a messiah that is the embodiment of all that you hold dear, tho not all that you are. he is from poor mongrel stock, just like you. a broken home of fractured ideology and has shipped around the world thru enough slums and squalid townships to know exactly what you need. but lest we forget that the messiah must be martyred to be worth a damn. and so you can have an excuse why things didn’t go as planned. saviors are set up and rubbed out as needed. dead men are easier to control. do what ever is good for business. manipulate the back story and the masses have whatever fictitious figment of faith they needed to make the daily doses of shit pie and cod liver oil that are doled out palatable. keep believing that there is purpose, that the light at the end of the tunnel is something more than your brain chemicals leaking out from blunt trauma, to numb the pain of death. keep hoping for a better life after your life of physical misery and servitude is over.
you need the promise of change. you clearly do not however want actual change. and you wouldn’t know what to do with it should it ever be granted. you are satisfied with the soon to be unkept promises of your latest messiah and master. same as the old master. its all about marketing isn’t it? who has the strongest brand? whose face looks best on TV or has the best catch phrase. you couldn’t give two dog turds about what they really want from you, the adoring public. but you know what? they get it every time. with your consent, your blessing, with your armchair politics and disinterested attitudes. you give them all the power to do whatever they want with your lives. it is why they are called leaders. but it doesn’t mean they have your interests in mind. the power corrupts and no one is getting to the top of the food chain with out burying a few bodies. but alas, this is the price of fame and fortune in the land of opportunity. stop letting people run your life for you. life is not a queue for heaven or whatever other nonsense your pre-verbal brains dreamt of.
doctrines and laws are not often just and not immutable.
at any rate glue your sprayed tan and heavily made up faces to the idiot box tomorrow night. put on your best leather elbowed sweater and sparkled nylon dress and the good panty hose with the reinforced toes.
play grab ass with the neighbours puke breathed wife. act like you give more than three seconds of regard towards the people around you each year, as if you ever stopped to think about something other than your base and venal sexual needs. crack open a few more bottles of shitty wine and drink it down friends. suck it all in like the gluttonous swine you are. i won’t even call you whores because you pay for these privileges. this is the world you make happen every day, just by doing nothing.
myself? i’m going to put on my bestest radiation suit this year, spin some pre-millennial funk records and sit out on the roof and wait for death to come over of the horizon. you keep waiting for miracles. in lines, huddled, groping and stumbling through your lives. keep waiting for someone to do it all for you.
one of these years we’ll get what we deserve.
and when you go out, don’t forget.
dress warm,
its cold out there.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
so this is christmas? (from 08.dec.08)
what have i done?
apparently not enough. the world is still a filthy seething mess and that bastard commercial with all those bastard starving children in it that has that lousy bastard song are still on the air. tell me how this is my fault.
i am not going to adopt a child. not in reality and definitely not in the symbolic and futile way you propose on my TV.
sure, your paid correspondents/actors tell me that it buys them clothes and meals and a chance at an education. that is of course if they submit to the will of the christ and abandon their backwards culture and religious practices for yours. and your warped World Vision.
without slipping into a completely paranoid rant i will tell you straight up that your kind of charity is not one that the world needs. altruism with conditions. generosity with ulterior motives.the salvation army can take a handful of nickels from the kettle and choke on them as well.
you’ve been selling this since you got run out of egypt. sure you weren’t called christians yet, it was before the Italians got involved, i know. you turned the simpleminded feeble attempts of uncivilised barbarians into the world’s first corporation. and all trickled down and fed off the mighty Cathlick teat. some went independent and claimed their own sovereignty they found new profits and rewrote history to resurrect old ones. but that was your trick. you taught them. the blind and devoted are docile and easy to control. keep them worshiping and begging, indoctrinating against questioning and making sure they remain obedient. this is best for the powers of the world.
conversion under duress. live saving food and medicine in one hand, a bible in the other. not a soul can make any more sense of that slapped together bit of ecclesiastical nonsense even since they started publishing it in something other than Latin. i’m fairly sure King James himself couldn’t read that mess either and put it together like a dogmatic MadLibs.
just one more mind control experiment after another,
they’ve been telling you about poor starving bastard kids in far away lands for what seems like forever. shouldn’t all these little fuckers be dead or saved by now?
just for argumentative and slanderous reasons lets focus on their activities since the 70’s. . they’ve been collecting money and spreading their mind warping tendrils across the world.
Live Aid.
Christian Children’s Fund.
30 hour famine.
did you catch that?
anyone ever tabulate just how much you bastards gave to Jonestown? how much world vision money for a better world went into the reverend jim jones’ pockets? how much grape FlavorAid, cyanide and artillery did you wholesome god fearing folk buy with that? Focus in on the fact that both work with the same primary demographics, the poor + disadvantaged and more precisely , blacks, females and children. they are simultaneously an endless resource and most “receptive” to the conditioning and relief offered by this insidious beast. and the good Reverend Billy Graham has had his henchmen sniffing around the old stomping grounds in Guyana looking for a place to relocate.
another year older.
i hate this time of year more and more while one commercial hypes the latest sex toys apparatus and implants, the car you need, the necklace you need to buy her to prove you care then the next switch right over to aids ridden puppies and starving rabid children for that guaranteed guilt marketing dollar. mindless consumerist nonsense.
what do the misadventures of some poor bastard Rabbi from Galilee have to do with camcorders,cheese logs pine trees and diamond solitaires?
well back to Africa for a moment. Africa’s number one export is of course a girl’s best friend. the always popular diamond and they ship them out by the tonnes. where’s all that money going to? ask some poor bombed out Iraqi son of a bitch where his oil cheque went while you’re at it. send a letter of reminder to your Senator or former President maybe they forgot to put it in the mail for those poor 3rd worlders.
the root of this is that i find your choice of theme song inappropriate. you are the people who killed John Lennon after all. Mark David Chapman was a World Vision devotee just like John Hinckley Jr. Who wants to get someone’s autograph just before murdering them? how much more obvious do you need to make it? keep rubbing it in.
2.6 billion in the coffers last year. not bad for a charitable organization. whose only concrete accomplishments were the murder of a has been rocker turned politco that would have potentially derailed their meddling in international affairs and the further poisoning of peoples with christian dogma. another year of waste and mindless numbing braindead programming that you’ll swallow like the good little sheep your taught to be.
let me be on the record as to say i hated the Beatles and am grateful this eliminated the possibility of a reunion tour. but that weird hippie - as lousy a musician and father as he was - was really on to something in the peace market. and all those bowl-cut wearing and hash smoking wasteoids that worshipped him like maggots to rancid cat food would have done whatever he pleased. they would have heeded the word, healed the world and fucked up everything for the powers that be. do you think the C.I.A was following him for an autograph? and i would have appreciated the attempt on Reagan’s life if i didn’t think that George Bush Sr. was the one behind it.
How proud of your accomplishments are you that you use you license music from a man that you hated and who opposed your ways. sure you do the heal the world dance and make it sound like peace is your goal, but at what cost? at whose expense? people are an easily lead bunch of lemmings to begin with and religion institutionalized it. church and state are never that far separated ideologically. this is the next level. they’ve had it in place for over thirty years. you believe, operate and breed under the concept that the population is dwindling. you are told that people are dying and need your assistance.but where? whens the last time you saw the city welcome sign lower the population numbers?
what makes the members of this benign christian group kill? too many spins of the White Album? Salinger’s apparent serial killer manifesto, Catcher in the Rye? or government funding to a religious cult that specialises in totalitarian indoctrination and brain washing. preying on the disadvantaged and undereducated.
28 years since Lennon was offed and the official report on the event still stands. do everyone a favor. stop watching so much TV, question everyone’s motives, don’t accept anything at face value (this article included) and the next time you are accosted on the street by one of these World Vision operatives (apologies i meant to type “missionaries”) you kick them in the shins then start asking the questions. we get sold the same story every year. give money, give food, give blood. we the target poor and middle classes ( yes, it still exists for the moment) we the devoted and docile, the ignorant and unwashed masses. those who have the least to give, give most. its a pretty good scam. make or keep all but the ruling class poor so in the end we have no choice but to take their handouts. on their terms. with their conditions. Peace never got a chance. it was bad for business. Wars are marketing campaigns. Stop supporting the war. You already support the troops every time you pay tax. Stop humming that song. Sit down to your fat turkey dinner with the family in your oil and gas warmed homes and look out at the falling snow on your new SUV with yellow ribbon bumper sticker and think about what you have done. Things haven’t changed. The advertisements are just better.
a new year just begun.
now a small exercise in unlearning:
lets play 6 Degrees of separation.
John Lennon- peacenik voice of a generation and crappy musician,
Mark David Chapman- crappy music and JD Salinger fan, World Vision member
JD Salinger- recluse writer, CIA operative, friend of Sen. John Hinckley Sr.
John Hinckley Sr.- U.S. Senator, father of John Jr. , World Vision supporter and president, friend of George Bush Sr, Billionaire Oil Man
John Hinckley JR- Salinger fan, world vision member,
attempted assassin of Prez. Ronald Reagan.
George Bush Sr- VP to Ronald Reagan, former director of CIA. Billionaire Oil Man and weapons manufacturer.
Ronald Reagan- monkey loving yutz, puppet President, too stupid to die.
more to digest:
dress warm, its cold out there.
from the bell tower.
apparently not enough. the world is still a filthy seething mess and that bastard commercial with all those bastard starving children in it that has that lousy bastard song are still on the air. tell me how this is my fault.
i am not going to adopt a child. not in reality and definitely not in the symbolic and futile way you propose on my TV.
sure, your paid correspondents/actors tell me that it buys them clothes and meals and a chance at an education. that is of course if they submit to the will of the christ and abandon their backwards culture and religious practices for yours. and your warped World Vision.
without slipping into a completely paranoid rant i will tell you straight up that your kind of charity is not one that the world needs. altruism with conditions. generosity with ulterior motives.the salvation army can take a handful of nickels from the kettle and choke on them as well.
you’ve been selling this since you got run out of egypt. sure you weren’t called christians yet, it was before the Italians got involved, i know. you turned the simpleminded feeble attempts of uncivilised barbarians into the world’s first corporation. and all trickled down and fed off the mighty Cathlick teat. some went independent and claimed their own sovereignty they found new profits and rewrote history to resurrect old ones. but that was your trick. you taught them. the blind and devoted are docile and easy to control. keep them worshiping and begging, indoctrinating against questioning and making sure they remain obedient. this is best for the powers of the world.
conversion under duress. live saving food and medicine in one hand, a bible in the other. not a soul can make any more sense of that slapped together bit of ecclesiastical nonsense even since they started publishing it in something other than Latin. i’m fairly sure King James himself couldn’t read that mess either and put it together like a dogmatic MadLibs.
just one more mind control experiment after another,
they’ve been telling you about poor starving bastard kids in far away lands for what seems like forever. shouldn’t all these little fuckers be dead or saved by now?
just for argumentative and slanderous reasons lets focus on their activities since the 70’s. . they’ve been collecting money and spreading their mind warping tendrils across the world.
Live Aid.
Christian Children’s Fund.
30 hour famine.
did you catch that?
anyone ever tabulate just how much you bastards gave to Jonestown? how much world vision money for a better world went into the reverend jim jones’ pockets? how much grape FlavorAid, cyanide and artillery did you wholesome god fearing folk buy with that? Focus in on the fact that both work with the same primary demographics, the poor + disadvantaged and more precisely , blacks, females and children. they are simultaneously an endless resource and most “receptive” to the conditioning and relief offered by this insidious beast. and the good Reverend Billy Graham has had his henchmen sniffing around the old stomping grounds in Guyana looking for a place to relocate.
another year older.
i hate this time of year more and more while one commercial hypes the latest sex toys apparatus and implants, the car you need, the necklace you need to buy her to prove you care then the next switch right over to aids ridden puppies and starving rabid children for that guaranteed guilt marketing dollar. mindless consumerist nonsense.
what do the misadventures of some poor bastard Rabbi from Galilee have to do with camcorders,cheese logs pine trees and diamond solitaires?
well back to Africa for a moment. Africa’s number one export is of course a girl’s best friend. the always popular diamond and they ship them out by the tonnes. where’s all that money going to? ask some poor bombed out Iraqi son of a bitch where his oil cheque went while you’re at it. send a letter of reminder to your Senator or former President maybe they forgot to put it in the mail for those poor 3rd worlders.
the root of this is that i find your choice of theme song inappropriate. you are the people who killed John Lennon after all. Mark David Chapman was a World Vision devotee just like John Hinckley Jr. Who wants to get someone’s autograph just before murdering them? how much more obvious do you need to make it? keep rubbing it in.
2.6 billion in the coffers last year. not bad for a charitable organization. whose only concrete accomplishments were the murder of a has been rocker turned politco that would have potentially derailed their meddling in international affairs and the further poisoning of peoples with christian dogma. another year of waste and mindless numbing braindead programming that you’ll swallow like the good little sheep your taught to be.
let me be on the record as to say i hated the Beatles and am grateful this eliminated the possibility of a reunion tour. but that weird hippie - as lousy a musician and father as he was - was really on to something in the peace market. and all those bowl-cut wearing and hash smoking wasteoids that worshipped him like maggots to rancid cat food would have done whatever he pleased. they would have heeded the word, healed the world and fucked up everything for the powers that be. do you think the C.I.A was following him for an autograph? and i would have appreciated the attempt on Reagan’s life if i didn’t think that George Bush Sr. was the one behind it.
How proud of your accomplishments are you that you use you license music from a man that you hated and who opposed your ways. sure you do the heal the world dance and make it sound like peace is your goal, but at what cost? at whose expense? people are an easily lead bunch of lemmings to begin with and religion institutionalized it. church and state are never that far separated ideologically. this is the next level. they’ve had it in place for over thirty years. you believe, operate and breed under the concept that the population is dwindling. you are told that people are dying and need your assistance.but where? whens the last time you saw the city welcome sign lower the population numbers?
what makes the members of this benign christian group kill? too many spins of the White Album? Salinger’s apparent serial killer manifesto, Catcher in the Rye? or government funding to a religious cult that specialises in totalitarian indoctrination and brain washing. preying on the disadvantaged and undereducated.
28 years since Lennon was offed and the official report on the event still stands. do everyone a favor. stop watching so much TV, question everyone’s motives, don’t accept anything at face value (this article included) and the next time you are accosted on the street by one of these World Vision operatives (apologies i meant to type “missionaries”) you kick them in the shins then start asking the questions. we get sold the same story every year. give money, give food, give blood. we the target poor and middle classes ( yes, it still exists for the moment) we the devoted and docile, the ignorant and unwashed masses. those who have the least to give, give most. its a pretty good scam. make or keep all but the ruling class poor so in the end we have no choice but to take their handouts. on their terms. with their conditions. Peace never got a chance. it was bad for business. Wars are marketing campaigns. Stop supporting the war. You already support the troops every time you pay tax. Stop humming that song. Sit down to your fat turkey dinner with the family in your oil and gas warmed homes and look out at the falling snow on your new SUV with yellow ribbon bumper sticker and think about what you have done. Things haven’t changed. The advertisements are just better.
a new year just begun.
now a small exercise in unlearning:
lets play 6 Degrees of separation.
John Lennon- peacenik voice of a generation and crappy musician,
Mark David Chapman- crappy music and JD Salinger fan, World Vision member
JD Salinger- recluse writer, CIA operative, friend of Sen. John Hinckley Sr.
John Hinckley Sr.- U.S. Senator, father of John Jr. , World Vision supporter and president, friend of George Bush Sr, Billionaire Oil Man
John Hinckley JR- Salinger fan, world vision member,
attempted assassin of Prez. Ronald Reagan.
George Bush Sr- VP to Ronald Reagan, former director of CIA. Billionaire Oil Man and weapons manufacturer.
Ronald Reagan- monkey loving yutz, puppet President, too stupid to die.
more to digest:
dress warm, its cold out there.
from the bell tower.
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